Collection: Small Group - Now Available

Scott and his wife Mary move across the country to attend a local church and go undercover in a small group, documenting how Christian people truly live. As unexpected friendships grow, and their hidden cameras capture life in it’s funny, honest, and serious moments, the couple’s negative assumptions about Christianity break down, putting them in a difficult position. How will their new friends respond when the truth is revealed, and what makes these people feel so… different?

Small Group will have you laughing (and crying) as it shows how grace extends from God, through others, to each of us, and how sometimes following Jesus can be a comedy... and a drama.

21 products
  • Small Group - DVD
    Small Group - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Small Group - Blu-ray
    Small Group - Blu-ray
    Sale price
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  • Small Group - Digital
    Small Group - Digital
    Sale price
    From $4.99 to $14.99
    Regular price
    From $4.99 to $14.99

  • Camp Manna & Small Group - DVD 2-Pack
    Camp Manna & Small Group - DVD 2-Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Camp Manna, Small Group, & Not That Funny - DVD 3-Pack
    Camp Manna, Small Group, & Not That Funny - DVD 3-Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Small Group + Faith & Family - DVD 4-Pack
    Small Group + Faith & Family - DVD 4-Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Small Group Blu-ray + Faith & Family DVD - 4 Pack
    Small Group Blu-ray + Faith & Family DVD - 4 Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Small Group - DVD 3-Pack
    Small Group - DVD 3-Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Ocean Avenue Collection - DVD
    Ocean Avenue Collection - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Not That Funny - DVD
    Not That Funny - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Camp Manna - DVD
    Camp Manna - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Seven Days In Utopia - DVD
    Seven Days In Utopia - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • The Long Goodbye The Kara Tippetts Story - DVD
    The Long Goodbye The Kara Tippetts Story - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • To End All Wars: Director's Cut - DVD
    To End All Wars: Director's Cut - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Victor - DVD
    Victor - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • 23 Blast - DVD
    23 Blast - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Christ In You The Movie & The Voice + The Heart of Man - DVD 3-Pack
    Christ In You The Movie & The Voice + The Heart of Man - DVD 3-Pack
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Christ In You The Movie - DVD
    Christ In You The Movie - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • Cowboy And Preacher - DVD
    Cowboy And Preacher - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • The Heart of Man - DVD
    The Heart of Man - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price

  • The Price Of Fame - DVD
    The Price Of Fame - DVD
    Sale price
    Regular price