HOPE: Stories of Survival, is the first-ever Eastern Territory Salvation Army produced full-length documentary focusing on Stories of survival in the face of adversity. HOPE is about survivors of human trafficking who let us into their day-to-day lives after their trauma recovery and show us how they’re taking back control of their destinies through empowerment, love, trust and hope. It’s about survivors who guide us through some of their darkest memories of fear of exploitation and provide HOPE for others through their ability to overcome obstacles with the support and effort of those around them.
We want to bring awareness to the public about human trafficking, bring support to those who are being trafficked along with family and friends and we want to bring empowerment to the victims and survivors. Most of all we want to share a message of HOPE through the recovery process and let victims and survivors know that they are not alone.
How You Can Help
The Salvation Army is just one of the organizations helping survivors and victims of human trafficking around the world. Over 150 years ago, William and Catherine Booth got a vision for what the world could look like when God’s people did God’s work and started The Salvation Army. Rather than a ‘pie in the sky’ type of religion they took Jesus seriously and went about bringing heaven to earth. They raised up an army of people equipped with the kind of love that brings transformation in everyday life.
Hungry people were fed, children were protected, unemployed folks were given meaningful work, social exclusion was exposed and challenged, oppression was unraveled, and freedom began to flourish, even laws were changed – all in a beautiful celebration of equality, hope, justice, dignity and community for everyone.
You can help by going to SAjustice.us and learn more about how you can personally get involved and donate to help the more than 40 programs and initiatives that are helping around the country.
About The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the bible. Its ministry is motivated by the Love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.